Magical Adventure Series

Magical Adventure Series combines all the wondrous experiences in the series: Dino Stomp!, Safari Animal Adventure, Under the Sea Adventure, Enchanted Frozen, Magical Unicorn Adventure and more! Every week, the kids will participate in creative art projects, stories, and movement and dance inspired by whimsical creatures and tales.

About Elisabeth

Ballerina & Teacher

As a dance instructor, former ballerina, certified educator, and artist, Elisabeth brings an incredible sense of joy, enthusiasm, and play to all of her experiences. Teaching children how to pair creativity and movement, and making storytelling come alive through dance, music, and exuberance, is what gives Elisabeth flight.

Elisabeth is vaccinated against COVID-19.

* Fully-vetted, background checked, and interviewed

What Parents Are Saying

My son had such a great time with Elisabeth. He kept talking about it after she left and she had him so worn out he went to sleep without me knowing :)
Jamie M
Activities kept the kids engaged and both kids had a lot of fun and want to do it again
Adele B
Sydney came home with art projects and said she had a great time.
Tammy S
It was so nice to not have to stress about what to do with all of my daughters friends for her birthday party!
Sara D
